About the Area
Champaign County Business Directory
Daily Bread Soup Kitchen Inc
Champaign, Illinois 61820
Welcome to the Daily Bread Website. We think you'll identify with us because we are people like you--almost every faith represented here, the churched and the unchurched, volunteers from every walk of life, all ages, all sizes, retired teachers, social workers, farmers, doctors, lawyers, merchants, college and high school students. Some professional people use their lunch hour once a week to help us clean up. In our 30 year history, one day, volunteers from the Temple were working with Christians, a Muslim and Hindus. No salaries. No government funding, all drawn together by a commitment to feed the hungry, to preserve the fabric of this community we share. Many of us feel it is the most meaningful work we will ever do.
Ellen McDowell
"In America, people will let you get awful hungry, but they never quite let you starve."
-Woody Guthrie